Sunday, January 29, 2012

Purple Powerhouse - Tingling tastebuds, glittery eyes, and a Triangular Dude.

Happy New-Week, everyone!  So sorry for the rather extended delay - the last post came so easily when the snow was falling, as I was much more inclined to be indoors, and was unable to go to work!  Go figure, eh?!

I have been working hard on various recipes; for smoothies, desserts, salad dressings, salads, and the like.  Believe it or not I really haven't been going "cooking crazy" since the snow stopped falling all over the place, but I certainly still have made some time to be creative in the kitchen.  And without pushing the wait out even more, I now present you with a delicious Smoothie recipe: Purple Powerhouse

This smoothie is an ABSOLUTE POWERHOUSE, and delicious to boot!  It combines superfoods like Chlorella and Maca, as well some more commonly known things like Raw Almond Butter and ground Flax Seeds.  I made this incredibly creamy, beautifully coloured, amazingly delicious, and almost-orgasm-inducing-'cause-it's-that-damn-good smoothie before my boyfriend and I loaded, and offloaded over 5,000 pounds of hay.  Yes, we were rather tired, but after a VERY short rest (about 10 to 15 minutes or so.  No joke!  I get about 4-5 "winds" per day!) I was rarin' to go do something else!  I'll credit that to this smoothie... and my naturally large sums of energy and enthusiasm for working outdoors.  Ahh, delicious fresh air, how I love you so!

Purple Powerhouse

1 cup Water (if you want it thicker or more filling use 1 cup Coconut, Almond, or Hemp Milk in place of water)
2-3 Tbs (depending on desired thickness) Raw Almond Butter
1/2 cup frozen Blackberries
1 frozen Banana, sliced
1 Tbs ground Flax Seed
1 tsp Chlorella, Powder
1/2 tsp Maca, Powder
1 level scoop Vega Performance Protein, in desired flavour
*Note: Click on the links above to see what I'm using, and why!

(Credit Incredible Smoothies for this photo! Sadly, I did not get a photo of my smoothie, it looked a lot like this one though!)

Believe it or not, I do not own a blender!  My little ole' blender croaked (ribbit!) years ago, and I have never gotten around to replacing it.  With that said I have made great use of what I have, and that's not too hard since I am usually, shall we say "blessed" with things?  I think that sounds about right.  One day I hope that a Vitamix will more-or-less "fall" from the ether, on to my counter, and not break into large, misshapen chunks in the process.  If that were to ever happen I know that I would be extremely surprised and confused, and also extremely happy (practical joke, anyone?  I would love you forever!).

OH, right!  The "How-To" part of this recipe is important, isn't it?  
Honestly, if you do not have a blender (like me!) then I would recommend using a handy-dandy-super-pro food processor!  I do caution this way of blending the ingredients, because if you put too much liquid into the processor it may drip/overflow and you will end up with smoothie all over the counter (or bed? Do people blend smoothies on their bed?), and I don't know about you but I am not not too thrilled about having to lapp my food up off of the counter.  Honestly, I've done it before (It was so delicious... and SO worth it!), but I am not too partial to this avenue for consumption. I actually prefer to drink my smoothies through Bubble Tea Straws, which I have a plethora of, and all in different colours!  So fun!  The counter licking however, I think I will leave that to the dogs, whom seem to enjoy it enough for everyone.

If you DO have a blender (can I borrow it some time? *wink wink, nudge nudge*) then all you have to do is combine the ingredients, and not in any particular order either!  I did find that this smoothie is easily blended, but if you are having trouble just add more liquid; it is as simple as that.  Now get to blending, you healthy person you!

Triangle Dude, done by the amazing Mr. David Gray.  I keep-up with this online comic strip more often than any other one, and I highly recommend it!

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