Saturday, August 10, 2013

Locavore Vegan Pizza + Homemade Omega-Rich Red Sauce

This pizza and it's unrelenting name, "Lovavore Vegan Pizza" are a mouthful x 1,000!  

It's delicious.  It's nutrient-dense.  It's sustainable.  It's VEGAN!  What more could a girl ask for on a super-warm summer afternoon?  Not a whole lot more.  WAIT.  Ponies!  Ponies would be nice.  Pizza eatin' ponies?  I hope it's got grass on it (not that kind, silly).  

This 'zah is dense enough to satisfy your biggest hunger pangs, but won't leave you with your head hanging like the Queen or King of lethargy. Indeed, it's delicious with it's perfect combination of the bittersweetness of the tomatoes and the creaminess of delicious Hemp Oil, combined with a perfectly browned crust.  Mmmm...  An added bonus is that this pizza is naturally and unwavering with nutrient density!  Packed full of omega's and fresh vegetables you'll find your skin glowing and your smile getting progressively more pretty and bright (not that you needed help, you beautiful person you!).  Basically this means that when you are ready to get movin' again it won't take long to get up to your favourite rate of speed -- which I imagine if you are reading my blog is fairly fast-paced, giggly and maybe a tad impish.  Teehee!

Where I live on little Whidbey Island in the Pacific Northwest, it is easy-peasy to find seasonal produce almost all year-round.  I often head North from my home-sweet-home to Coupeville where I can stop-by Mile Post 19 Farm and snag 3 pounds of delicious, farm fresh and chemical-free Raspberries for $12.  What a steal!  Even though I have my own small gardens, plus a large conglomeration of fruit trees, such as 4-5 different varieties of apples, pears, plums, peaches, kiwi's, and more; I still love to solicit other farms that grow things I haven't grown this year, or haven't got a clue how to grow in the first place!  My next door neighbours grow their own veggies on their gorgeous 20 acre farm called "SkyRoot Farm", part of which I am lucky enough to be able to let my horses graze on (bless your hearts, SkyRoot folks!).  A short walk and I can get to other farm stands filled with different seasonal produce or flowers.  My favourite stand for the past couple of years is Bur Oak Acres, who's delicious produce I used on the pizza that I'm sharing with you today.  Their farm stand is adorable and comfortable, and often bustling with other local fruit and vegetable lovers like myself.  I could probably survive on their mouthwatering melons alone, although the farmers at B.O.A are smart enough to know that a balanced diet should probably incorporate a few other things too (dang it...)

So without further adieu, I now give you the reason you visited my blog (it wasn't to read my ramblings and partake in my verbose enthusiasm?!); the 'ZAH, or more commonly known as... P-I-Z-Z-A! 

Note: I have broken this recipe up into three parts: the crust, the sauce, and the toppings/cooking.  I find it is easier to read recipes this way.  And if you don't like the recipe... well, have a Unicorn.

What I listened to while I wrote this blog:
Sherlock - SHINee
(click to listen/watch)

Locavore Super Hero Vegan Pizza

Pizza dough - You can make your own, or buy one from the grocery store that is already pre-made.  If you buy premade, I love Essential Baking Co.'s pizza dough, which as an added bonus is a locally made product from Seattle!

Pre-heat oven to 450 fahrenheit.

Oil a pizza pan or cookie sheet with Hemp or other omega-rich (Flax or Chia would work) oil of choice.  Roll pizza dough out to desired thickness and place on baking sheet.  Set aside.

For the Red Sauce:
4 large ripe Tomatoes
1 tablespoon Hemp Oil
1 tablespoon Braggs Amino's or Soy-Sauce (if you're allergic or sensitive to soy, opt for a soy-free sauce or just replace the sauce with a few pinches of salt)
2-3 tablespoons basil, rosemary, thyme, or a combination of the three
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
3/4 cup raw, whole chia seeds


Slice the tomato's into quarters and place in to a blender or food processor.  Add oil, Braggs/soy-sauce/salt, herbs and cayenne.  Blend until desired consistency (I love a few chunks).  Pour into bowl and stir in the chia seeds.  Allow to set until the sauce is a relatively thick, tapioca pudding like consistency (see photo). Now it is time to prepare your toppings.

For the toppings:
1 whole Bellpepper
1/2 large Yellow Onion
1/2 small Eggplant
1 bag of Daiya cheese, or other favourite dairy-free "cheese" (grated)
1 tablespoon Hemp Oil
Salt to taste

Chop all vegetables to desired size.  Set aside.  Once the tomato sauce has thickened; spoon it onto the dough and spread it evenly until it is about 1/2 inch from the edge.  Place veggies onto pizza as you like them, pressing down gently so they are "embedded" in the sauce a bit.  Cover with your dairy-free cheese.  Sprinkle with oil and salt.  Place in oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the top of the pizza is a light golden brown.  

This pizza is a serious NOM-NOM-NOMBOMB, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Namaste! xoxox
Aubrie is an avid food blogger chew-and-swallower.  She loves pizza's of all types, the red sauce being the best part in her opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, I am drooling over this pizza! I never would have thought to put chia in the sauce, but I love that idea.
